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Posted On: 8/30/2024
By: Piet
A: Thanks for reaching out Piet! Please be sure: No 12 Gauge shotshell is guaranteed not to penetrate multiple walls. There is no assurance that a round of ammunition will not over-penetrate and threaten innocent bystanders. So long as we share that understanding, then you are correct that #1 buck would be an effective solution for your friend's home defense needs. The smaller shot pellet's lower momentum does mean it poses a lower risk of over-penetration. Your friend would reduce their risk even further by choosing this ammo by Barnes: . It's loaded with the smallest type of buckshot there is (#4), and its lower muzzle velocity indicates that it produces less energy. Less recoil is always an advantage during a defensive scenario as well. Although comparably weak as far as buckshot shells go, the Barnes shell is still more than sufficient for close-range defensive applications.
Posted On: 6/27/2024
By: Luke V
A: Yes sir! The packaging doesn't say so, but Fiocchi confirmed it to me last April: this ammo is loaded with #1 buck!