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Posted On: 6/10/2019
By: Laurence P
A: Hi Laurence. This will be lead core, but will have a magnetic, bi-metallic jacketing on the bullet. If your range does the magnet test, these will not pass.
Posted On: 5/20/2019
By: Nick
A: Hi Nick. This is not shipped in the wooden crates, but is on stripper clips as pictured on our website. Please note that this is corrosive ammo, so clean your rifle well!
Posted On: 4/22/2019
By: Samuel
A: Hi Samuel, this 8mm is the JS ammo. It will work well with your .323 rifle.
Posted On: 3/17/2019
By: George H.
A: Hi George, among my friends who regularly shoot corrosive ammo through their surplus rifles, the general consensus is that if you want a great cleaner, use Ballistol. I will be honest and tell you that all of them, to a man, mentioned that "good old soap and warm water" works as well to neutralize the salts, but doesn't really "clean" the bore.
Posted On: 2/6/2019
By: Gary
A: Hi Gary. This particular lot is not in a sealed crate. It should be considered to be in boxes. The crates were opened by the distributor.