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Posted On: 8/18/2020
By: Ronald Gillespie
A: Hi Ronald! We haven't yet tested this ammo ourselves yet, but there are a couple great reviews on YouTube that answer your questions:
Posted On: 8/18/2020
By: Ronald Gillespie
A: This ammo ought to function seamlessly in a Glock 27.
Posted On: 3/23/2020
By: cris
A: Thank you for reaching out, Cris! We haven't got a preorder list of any sort, but we are working diligently to restock our warehouse. We are in uncharacteristically low supply as the result of the pandemic, and appreciate you bearing with us in the meantime!
Posted On: 6/1/2019
By: David
A: Hi David. Please tell your friend that unfortunately, while the Winchester Silver Tips are one of the best hollow point designs in the market and perfect for MOST defensive applications, they just don't do the trick against supernatural foes. Being a non-ferrous alloy, they fail to stop vampires and werewolves, but are still highly effective against goblins and zombies and are particularly effective against humans intent on evil deeds. . Good luck!