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Posted On: 9/24/2021
By: Jason Volle
A: Thanks for reaching out Jason! Good question. Black Hills' 5.56x45 Mk 262 cartridge is specifically loaded with a 77 grain Sierra MatchKing, which is custom-made for Black Hills with a cannelure to prevent setback during recoil. (No other MatchKing bullet has a cannelure – Sierra was hesitant to add it, but Black Hills convinced them it was necessary for the Mk 262.) PMC and IMI load similar types of projectiles for their long-distance 5.56 or 223 cartridges, but neither specifically loads the MatchKing (at least to my knowledge).
This is self-defense ammo in the sense that military snipers would prefer it for engaging targets at long distances. That said, the typical civilian self-defense scenario rarely plays out over several hundred yards, and a bullet that can expand inside soft tissue is preferrable for personal protection (ie soft tip or polymer tip; an OTM may break in half as it penetrates soft tissue, however.). As such most civilians only fire OTM ammo for long-range target shooting.
Please let me know if I failed to completely answer your question!