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Posted On: 8/9/2021
By: Capt
A: Yes sir, absolutely. People tend to prefer flat-nose bullets for lever-action rifles because their profiles prohibit accidental ignition in the magazine, although I truly doubt these cartridges' round nose bullet profiles present any risk of igniting the primers they'll touch in the magazine.
Posted On: 8/7/2021
By: Larry
A: Thanks for reaching out Larry! Your Colt will fire this ammo no problem. I don't expect you will actually notice any difference in terms of felt recoil, though you may perceive a slight difference. You may note that the lighter load offers a flatter trajectory at short range, although over longer distances it's going to lose its momentum faster than the heavier 158gr bullet and as such start dropping more steeply.
Posted On: 7/20/2021
By: Joseph cspone
A: Thanks for reaching out Joseph! I have that same revolver on my desk right now. This ammo will work in it just fine!