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Posted On: 9/20/2018
By: Thomas Branch
A: Thank you for reaching out to us at Lucky Gunner! Your question will help us serve you and others who are fond of the LE9T1. We have confirmed with Federal that it was, in fact, discontinued in order to focus on their HST loads. Their 124 grain offerings are all capable rounds that deliver impressive results:
124 Grain HST JHP
+P 124 Grain HST JHP
124 Grain Hydra-Shok JHP
Their 150 grain load is optimized for sub 4-inch barrels:
So, unfortunately, while the load you're looking for is discontinued, Federal has many contenders bellying up to the bar to take it's place as your preferred duty ammo.
Posted On: 6/7/2013
By: John F
A: The main difference, as mentioned in the name, will be the Bonded vs. a non Bonded bullet. The Bonding simply references the manufacturing process regarding how the jacket is connected to the core of the bullet. This basically boils down to the chemistry between the two metals and the process the bullet undergoes to apply the jacket to the core. This bonded plating claims to decrease the rate of bullet expansion which will reduce the odds of bullet fragmentation upon impact of the target. This attempts to control the expansion of the bullet. However, a non bonded bullet should not be dismissed as a poor, inferior, or ineffective bullet compared to the Bonded variation.
Bonded or not Bonded, you should expect the same high quality and performance you always do from the Federal HST brand of personal protection ammunition.